
Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Aircraft Brakes Types

Thrust Reverse System
Thrust Reverse System

   When the plane is landing, the difficulty of stopping increases with increasing weight and its speed varies, so the pilot uses the “brake spoilers” and the “brake system” to reach the plane to zero velocity and that is by changing the direction of the hot gases coming out of the engine (thrust reverse system).
(Newton's second theory which states that each action has an equal and opposite reaction in the direction).

Also, the "Thrust reverse" system can only be activated upon contact with the ground plane through an electrical circuit present in the "Landing gears" called (air / ground logic).
Spoiler "air brake"
Spoiler "air brake"

The "Thrust reverse" is located at the end of the engine and its functions are to:

1- Shorten the runway distance on the runway
2- Reduce the load on the brakes
3- Improve braking control in rainy or snowy climates

 Mechanical blockage:

This type is by placing a mechanical barrier that repels gases leaving the engine and changing its direction at a certain angle, and this barrier is installed externally at the end of the engine and this type is called "Clambshell thrust reverse".

- Aerodynamic blockage:

This type is formed with flow inhibitors inside the engine in the "gas steam" stream, close to the outer hood. Side doors open in the engine and at the same time "vanes" blades plug the "exhaust" outlet and hot gases exit from these side vents.

Engine Thrust Reverse 


Helicopter Action System

      Wing planes such as Boeing and fighter jets depend on pushing gases and air backward to gain thrust forward according to Newton's third law of motion (each action has an equal and opposite reaction in direction).

As for the helicopter, its top fan drives the air downward, as a verb to push the plane up as a reaction (fig 1).

    The rotation of the upper propeller generates a rotating force of the plane in the opposite direction of its rotation, and the tail fan equates this force and installs the helicopter straight.

When the pilot wants to move the plane forward, he writes the fan down from the front and deflects it up from the front if he wants to move it back (fig 2).

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Corona Virus Precautions


Today, we will display Corona virus precautions to avoid injury as following: 
  • The size of this virus is relatively large ... so what mask on the face will prevent it from entering the respiratory system.
  • Virus is not be able to spread in the air for the previous reason, but it diffuses more on the surfaces, I mean, it is deposited on the needs more than it flies in the air.
  • Virus can live for 12 hours on any metallic surface, so that washing hands continuously can prevent or reduce injury
  • Virus, when connected to the surface of the cistern, stays for a period of 9 hours, so our cloth is preferred to be washed daily or you have to stand in the sun for two hours.
  • Virus will live on hands for a period of ten minutes, so that it will be antiseptic with alcohol for hands, as a sufficient protection.
  • If the virus is exposed to a temperature of 26-27 Celsius, it will be very useful to be killed by exposing to the sun.
  • Rinse with any warm water or salt solution, killing the germs that reach the throat in general. 
  • Adherence to this method of prevention, to reduce or prevent injury. 



Sunday, March 8, 2020


Aircraft manufacturing process

The manufacture of Aircraft passes through multiple stages to be able to successfully fly and I will mention basic manufacturing stages of Aircraft:

1-    Design stage:

It is the first stage of the aircraft design stages, which mainly depend on the goals and specifications of that plane, using drawings and equations by the relevant companies, followed by a realistic simulation of these designs, using computers, then realistic mini-models of the plane are made, and their experience in Special wind tunnels.

2         2-    Manufacturing phase:

The plane consists of many main parts, which include thousands of small parts, and therefore these main parts are manufactured separately, in cooperation with more than one manufacturer, to prepare for the next stage.

3-    Assembly Phase:

It is the last stages of the plane's construction, in which all the main parts manufactured by different companies are sent to the main factory, or the assembly line, which in turn combines these parts together to form the plane, then the entire plane is examined to ensure that it is free from defects, After that, the plane undergoes a series of flight tests to examine it and ensure the validity of all its parts and systems.

·         Aircraft Manufacturing materials:

Many materials enter the process of making aircraft, as wood, and several types of metals, in addition to composite materials and synthetic fibers can enter the manufacturing process, where the first planes were made of a wooden frame covered with cloth, until the aircraft industry developed, and they were made from Metal aluminum alloys, which are characterized by strength, and light weight at the same time, also titanium metal is also included in some parts of the plane, such as the engine, and aircraft building materials are not limited to only those, but there are also composite materials, which have received great demand in the world of aircraft manufacturing Recently, the materials feature a It has a very light weight compared to its strength, and the ratio of the installed materials in some planes is halved, which makes it one of the best options in the process of building aircraft.


Friday, March 6, 2020


Visually Aircraft Inspection Using Advanced Drones

The aviation industry and engineering technology develop in a quick way, we can't imagine. 

As they find that if drones  are used to aircrafts visually- inspection, the consumed time will be less and the quality of inspection will be more accurate leading to more aviation field's safety.

Airbus industrial Corporation a new automatically system to inspect airplanes. Its function is to make the airplanes visual inspection more quick than before leading into widely decreasing aircraft stopping time and improving the quality of inspection reports at the same time.

Today, this system has been revealed at MRO Americas expo in Florida state which is called as Advanced Inspection Drone to be used in aircraft hangers. The operator launch the drone following a specific path for inspection by taking high quality images keeping safe distance from the inspected aircraft.

Then, these high quality ones has been signally sent to tablet at the same time to be reviewed.The technicians review these photos by a specialist software that make an accurate comparison with real aircraft 3D Model to determine any visual damages and evaluate these damages accurately.
Visually Aircraft Inspection Using Advanced Drones

Thursday, March 5, 2020


اغلاق الحرم المكى ( الكعبة) والمسجد النبوى بسبب مخاوف انتشار وباء كورونا

إغلاق الحرم المكي والمسجد النبوى 

نتيجه الانتشار العالمى لمرض كورونا فالعالم بعد أن كان منحصرا بالصين وتم انتشاره إلى ما يصل من ٦٢ دوله على مستوى العالم منها ١٢ دولة عربيه وقد انتشر المخاوف وبدأ اتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة للحد منه فالمطارات والمؤسسات الحكومية والمدارس وخلافه 
الا أنه فى بلاد الحرمين الشريفين ومع اقتراب الشهر الكريم رمضان يزيد العبأ عليهم.
مما أدى إلى أنحاء قرار صادم لجميع مسلمى العالم إلا أنه كان ولابد أن يتخذ وذلك مراعاة لمصلحة المسلمين وإعلاء للاولوية القصوى وهى حياتنا فقد تقرر من قبل المسؤولين فالمملكة العربيه اغلاق المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوى فى غير أوقات الصلاة وذلك لضمان وتكثيف اعمال النظافة والتعقيم بهما للحد من انتشار الدعوى كما سيتم كما سيتم إغلاق صحن المطاف حول الكعبة المشرفة، والمسعى بين الصفا والمروة طوال فترة تعليق العمرة، وستكون الصلاة داخل المسجد فقط.

ويشمل قرار تعليق العمرة مؤقتًا للمواطنين والمقيمين، جميع القاطنين في مدينة مكة المكرمة، حيث لن يسمح للمحرمين بدخول المسجد الحرام والساحات المحيطة به.

كما أنه تقرر عدم السماح بالاعتكاف والافتراش، أو إدخال الأطعمة والمشروبات، وسيتم إغلاق مشارب ماء زمزم.

وأضاف أن الإجراءات الاحترازية تشمل إغلاق المسجد القديم في الحرم النبوي الشريف، بما فيه الروضة الشريفة، وغلق مقبرة البقيع

اذا أتممت القراءة فضلا لا تنسى الدعاء حتى يرفع الله عنا الوباء و البلاء




An aircraft is composed of different fixed and movable structure parts and electrical, mechanical parts but you have to take into consideration the spare parts that will be used when one part fails.

The aim of today article is to grow awareness and understanding about the importance of each part no matter its size and if you want to go deep .. click that link...Aircraft knowledge



It holds the structure together and accommodate passengers and/or cargo.

The cockpit

It holds the command and control section of an airplane. Modern aircraft cockpits have a number of vital instruments for controlling the airplane on the ground as well as when flying.


Engines generate thrust and provide hydraulic and electric power. Modern aircraft are employed with different types of engines, although jet engines are favored with by most commercial airliners.
The undercarriage, also known as landing gear, provides a platform for the aircraft to stand as well as plays an important obvious role in landing and take-off.

Wings generate lift and control the airflow while flying. Wing design is a crucial factor in aviation: a wing is designed to reduce drag at the leading edge, generate lift by its crescent and manage airflow using the rear edge. Furthermore, while gliding (i.e. without engine power), the wings allow the pilot to increase and decrease the descent rate.
It adjusts the angle of attack of the wings, increasing lift. Slats are fitted at the leading edges of the wings, and deploying them increases the angle of attack of the wings, allowing the pilot to increase the lift generated by the wing.


It adjusts the camber of the wings, increasing lift. Flaps are normally fitted at the trailing edge of the wings. Extending the flaps increase the camber of the wing’s airfoil, thus increasing lift at lower speeds, an important feature for landing.


It adjusts the camber of sections of the wings, decreasing lift. Spoilers are fitted on top of the wings and are used to reduce lift on a section of the wing in a controlled manner. Spoilers are useful for decreasing lift without increasing the airspeed of the airplane or without increasing drag significantly.


It increases or decreases lift asymmetrically, in order to change roll and, thus, move the aircraft left or right while flying. Ailerons are hinged sections fitted at the rear of each wing. Ailerons work asymmetrically as a pair: as the right aileron goes up, the left one comes down and vice versa, thus making the aircraft roll right or left, respectively.


The horizontal stabilizer

It helps maintain an airplane's equilibrium and stability in flight. It does so by providing a mini wing at a certain distance from the main wings (typically at the back, although it can also be positioned at the front of the aircraft). This smaller wing produces enough lift to control the pitch of the aircraft and maintain its stability. Although an aircraft without a horizontal stabilizer could, in principle, fly with wings only, controlling its pitch and airspeed would be difficult, as pitch and, subsequently, airspeed can be easily disturbed by air conditions: as soon as the aircraft pitches up, the tendency is to continue pitching up even further and decrease airspeed; and as soon as the aircraft pitches down, the tendency then is to continue pitching down even further and increase airspeed. An aircraft with a horizontal stabilizer, however, could be flown hand-offs (once correctly trimmed) without affecting its pitch and speed.


It increases or decreases lift on the horizontal stabilizer symmetrically in order to control the pitch motion of an airplane. Elevators are hinged surfaces fitted at the rear of the horizontal stabilizer. They work symmetrically as a pair: when the elevators are up, the aircraft ascends; when the elevators are down, the aircraft descends, and when the elevators are horizontal, the aircraft flies straight.

The vertical stabilizer

It prevents lateral movements of the airplane. Without a vertical stabilizer, most aircraft would lose lateral control, tend to slip, increase drag and become uncontrollable.

The rudder

It controls the yaw motion of an airplane. The rudder is a hinged surface fitted to the vertical stabilizer. When the rudder is turned to the left, the aircraft turns to the left in the horizontal plane; when the rudder is turned to the right, the aircraft turns to the right. The rudder is used to turn the aircraft left or right on the ground. In the air, however, the rudder is primarily used to coordinate left and right turns (the turns themselves are done with the ailerons) or to counter adverse yaw (e.g. when crosswinds push the airplane sideways).

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Aircraft Engineer Salary

There are opportunities globally for the transportable skills of an aircraft engineer or technician in a buoyant aviation industry.
In this blog, I talk about the salaries that aircraft engineers can expect in various countries around the globe. I'll describe the salary range you can expect from junior to senior engineer in the countries where jobs are plentiful.
Then I'll conclude this video with a few tips on how to get started on your career.
Every aircraft that flies, whether it's a flying club's Cessna 152, a private jet, an Airbus A380, or a F-35 Lightning requires aircraft engineers to keep it flying. Aircraft or aerospace engineers are essential to the aviation and aerospace industries.

Aircraft Engineer Salary - Salaries for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
These checks and scheduled maintenance may be prompted by time periods or the number of hours an aircraft has spent in the air. All aircraft, large or small, simple or complex, require qualified engineers who carry out the mandatory checks and maintenance on the air frame, engines, and instruments.
Unmanned aircraft fly without a pilot aboard but no aircraft can fly without an engineer to build, service, and maintain it. As well as servicing existing aircraft, aerospace engineers may also be employed to research, design, and test new aircraft, missiles, satellites, and spacecraft.
Your aircraft mechanic salary will be commensurate with experience and responsibilities, and aircraft engineering is no exception.
This is an important point to remember because such extras can make a significant difference to your take-home pay.The figures for aircraft maintenance engineering salaries in this video are averages collected in late 2018.
They are base salaries so they don't include any bonuses, overtime, or profit shares that may be offered.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Aircraft Engineer 


Aircraft maintenance engineer logo

 Is also called as Aircraft maintenance engineer.

 Not to be confused with Aerospace Engineer or Aeronautical engineer. Usually referred As LAE ( Licensed Aircraft Engineer). While in Europe they are called Certifying Aircraft Technicians. 

     While In united States  they are called as an Aircraft mechanic or A&P mechanics. in some countries a graduate of AME are refereed as Engineer where as certifying Engineer will be licensed Aircraft Engineer. 


  Aircraft Engineer - Aircraft maintenance engineer Aircraft Engineer, An individual must obtain a Licence from the national Aviation authority in order to become an Aircraft engineer. But the procedure to become an Aircraft engineer might differ from country to country depending on the national Aviation Authority policy. While In Europe and in most of the common wealth countries EASA part 66 is being adopted.

 EASA is the European Aviation Safety Agency. some countries adopt FAR part 65 to issue Aircraft mechanic licence. Few other countries are adopting a similar procedure to BCAR section L. How to become EASA part Certifying Staff? How to become FAA A&P mechanic.

  1. There are several Grades of aircraft maintenance engineers.The individual with the authorizing privileges are referred as certifying staff. In most cases certifying staffs are aircraft engineers. certifying staffs are licensed. To Acquire An Aircraft Engineers license the individual should prove the competent authority that he/she has adequate knowledge and experience. 
  2. There are non certifying staffs too. non certifying staffs can be mechanics or technicians. Working Environment Of an Aircraft Engineer.
  •  An Aircraft maintenance engineer can be working in a Line Base Or workshop maintenance Environment.
  •  Line maintenance is maintenance which is performed at ramp. Usually during the turn around. It can be a transit check, trouble shooting or component replacement. Nowadays A checks and B checks also being performed on the ramp.
  •  Base Maintenance(  aircraft maintenance training )are usually scheduled maintenance. Performed at dedicated places such hangar or maintenance bays. overhaul workshops are where the component is usually overhauled. At the completion of the maintenance task a certifying staff signs a release stating that maintenance has been performed in accordance with the applicable airworthiness requirements. Education and training Required to become an Aircraft maintenance engineer. To become an Aircraft Maintenance engineer is to obtain the license or certification.

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